Sunday, 28 December 2014

Experiment: Sweet Potato Soup (57)

We're experimenting with healthy cooking and low fat everything. For Ugandans, that really translates into everyday cooking. We tend to eat more bean, pea and groundnnut stew than meat anyway. The fridge was empty (which usually ends up with purchase of unhealthy fatty stuff : yummy kabalagala and the like). So, I broke my vow to avoid shopping centres during the holiday season and we went to re-stock. 

I decided I want to try chick peas. He decided he likes cauliflower. We both agreed on mushrooms and bananas. Jungle oats were 6500/- for half a kilo, giving me ideas for bakes and things. I'll throw in a kalango here for the bosses. Thank you for Christmas bonuses that pay the grocery bill. Little things like that make the night shift and late hours a bit more bearable.

He went off to do some tinkering at the office. I went home and decided to make sweet potato soup. It was surprisingly easy and tasty. I just fried a chopped onion and garlic in a little oil, then, added ginger, cinnamon, chilli powder, mixed spices and a couple of grated tomatoes (without the skin). I then blended 4 cooked sweet potatoes and added to the cooking veggies. 8 tea spoons of odi later, we had soup! Fabulous stuff, especially with brown bread. [kept some for next day's lunch :-) ]

♡ being home. Let's just say sweet potatoes are hard to come by in Houston.

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