Tuesday, 21 July 2009


I am glad that words aren’t all that we have. I am glad that they aren’t all we share. I am glad that you can hear me even when I make no verbal utterances and that you understand me without having read a note on the state of my heart.

For if everything you did to and with me and if everything I wanted to tell you had to be articulated by speech or in writing, I fear that the inadequacy of human languages would not capture even a glimpse of our hearts’ deepest truths.

Sometimes mere groanings speak volumes. On other days, the salt in my tears seems to reach much further than my elaborate essays. Sunshine and rain, earth and fire, colour and melody...we share so much more than a few ‘how do you dos’ and ‘have a good days’.
I am glad.


  1. warm, fuzzy and downright beautiful!!!

  2. words are never enough,yet still we try to wrap them around things that are so much more....
    i identify with this post in a good way:)
