Wednesday, 23 July 2008

3 people, 3 lives, 3 waves

Written on Wednesday 9 July 2008 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Of the 6 billion-odd people on earth, only a few of us would, willingly, devote everything that they are to getting ahead in life. Most of us, it seems, are quite comfortable with bare survival. An even smaller number would, willingly, choose to devote their lives to others.

I dislike generalisations. I like working with numbers and specifics. Maths is, after all, one of my majors! However, I do not need numbers to tell this tale. Besides, the generalisations I am making are sad. I would be glad to find out that they were wrong.

The Africa I used to read about in my old history textbooks was always spoken of as the dark continent, not only because of the dark complexion of her people, but, because of their dark minds. We always seemed to be a few steps (maybe miles) behind in comparison to the Western World. Now, after about 50 years of independence, we’re still lagging behind. It appears that even Asia and South America have accelerated ahead of us. I stopped doing history a while back. However, the pictures I see of my today are not far off from my textbooks. Daily accounts are given of unemployment, political strife, tribal squabbles, economic chaos and general low quality of life for the majority of our population. For a people that claim to enjoy cultural diversity and strength of community we are still far off from reflecting that same enjoyment in our day-to-day. I cannot claim to love my neighbour and treat him like a beggar or a thief or an outcast for any reason.

Fortunately, there is one other thing that has not changed about us. There are always those who can still see hope, even in the midst of chaotic darkness. Now that my moaning and groaning is out of the way, I wish to speak of the glimmer of hope and stray ray of light that still shines amongst us. During this last week, I met spoke and lived with 3 individuals whose ability to inspire and motivate went beyond speech and into their actions. They showed that by what they did and who they are, they believe that the struggle is not in vain. Africa is not lost.

I have heard of selfless people; saints, Mother Theresa…But until last week, I could not have claimed to have met such a person especially in my generation. I met a young South African lady who leads, as Esther said, with ‘the thought well thought, the word well said and the deed well done’. (Queen Esther in ‘One Night with a King’)She gives of herself as often and as much as possible. Her faith in God and a vision for a better place, it seems, are what keep her going. When it’s dark and dreary and there does not seem to be much in store for the people she leads, she still continues to plough and sow into their hearts and lives, believing in the hope of a better future. Everyday, I pray for passion, love, compassion, foresight and a vision that looks past my present. I am grateful to God that He has allowed me to experience such passion, even though it is that of another.

The second individual is also a young lady. She reminds me of the biblical parable of the servants to whom talents were given so that they could invest and create wealth for their master. From him who received many talents, much was expected. I always wondered; what happens to him who is given little or nothing? Is little or nothing expected from him? This young lady, however, was not as narrow minded or short sighted as I am. She started from a small African nation, ridden with never-ending civil wars and political conflict, with nothing but hope and a dream. Not all of us have seen our dreams come true in our lifetimes but she’s seen life surprise her and surpass all her dreams and expectations. She has managed to lead an organisation from its infancy and brought it to full maturity, thus, developing her leadership skills and those of many around her. She has seen her successors thrive and helped them manage their responsibilities. She has travelled the globe and tasted different styles of life. She has taught and trained leaders (and potential leaders) wherever and whenever she could. I’d like to point out that this is only her beginning. She has not yet even started working on her own personal agenda. So far, she has been working entirely for others. Her story is not just about beating the odds. It’s about redefining the odds. Time, skills, language, money, race, gender-nothing seems too difficult to be dealt with. Her life’s motto could well be, ‘I can because I can!’

When I started my Varsity experience in Makerere University, I was quick to notice the lack of meaningful activity on campus, outside class (of course!). For students who were not passionate about politics (regional/partisan/tribal) or religion, there was little else in terms of organised and recognised extra-curricular activities. (From what I gather, things may have changed in the last few years.) A month later, I left Uganda and joined the University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania. There I discovered AIESEC. It seemed to provide a solution for my dilemma but also seemed like a lot of work. Three months later I left Tanzania and, after a two month holiday, I started my Varsity, for the third time, in the Cape Town South Africa. The University of Cape Town has the most diverse people groupings, in one institution, which I have ever come across. As a result, we have more than eighty (80) clubs and societies on campus catering for almost every race, gender, economic class, political affiliation, religion, sport and hobby. As long as you have a constitution of some sort, a mandate and a following, you can start anything. One of the first societies I was introduced to was the Wine society. I thought that was hilarious until I met the Beer society! Recently I heard of a society for students who would like to ‘take a chill pill’. All they do, when they meet, is ‘chill’ together. I’d love to see that constitution! I mentioned all this because I’d like to draw a comparison between where I was and where I am now. This comparison might prove useful in appreciating the last part of this tale.

The last story (I said I had 3, right?) is a bit closer to heart and home. My last spark of inspiration, for now, is a young gentleman (finally!). His gusto for life, almost literally, knocked me off my feet, especially since he seemed like such a quiet person, at first glance. Unlike the other two, he is still completing his university. The most appropriate AIESEC question I could find for this was ‘Are you swimming with the stream or creating a wave?’ It is very easy to blame everyone (the university administration, Students’ Representative Council/Guild, government etc) for the apparent failure to link the university students’ experiences to society or to create arenas for student expression outside the classroom. That is exactly what I did. This young gentleman’s university experience could have similar to mine in Makerere. However, he chose to see his situation as an opportunity to test his limits. How far could he go? How much could he discover? How much could he learn? On meeting him, it is evident that he is passionate about leadership (both as a leader and a coach to potential leaders). He is also compassionate and responds to it through action. His vision reaches past the now (what is) and into the morrow (what could/will be). In addition, I found it quite amusing that he has a slightly more adventurous side to him, with the tendency to run into the horizon if the opportunity presents itself. All these qualities stirred in him a need to act- to do something. He does not seem content in knowing about his passions, talents or strengths if they do not yield results in terms of his impact on people. As far as I know, he has taken up volunteer jobs with NGOs in his community, joined and revolutionised AIESEC in his university and travelled a fair deal to train leaders and receive training. Somehow, he managed to end up on a reality TV show (I’m still rolling with laughter over this) and, on the side plays the lead guitar in a rock band. Let us not forget that he is still in school and hopes to graduate at the next year. I thought my life was busy, but after meeting him, I must admit that I have too much free time. Now I feel like I ought to be doing a lot more with myself.

These three people taught me three lessons; sacrifice (complete/total devotion to others, without thinking of self), passion/drive (that which moves one beyond visible boundaries) and innovatory thinking (an ability to invent/create possibilities/ideas/opportunities and an inability to let others define the status quo). To know and see young people exhibiting qualities of this nature is a challenge to me. I am left with the thought, ‘when people look at me and look into my life, is there something worth learning from me? Is there a message? What is my message?’

I am grateful to God for allowing me to meet these individuals and to these bright sparks for allowing me to know and lean from them. Africa needs all the spark she can get. The Dark age is almost over… Thrusday 10th July 2008 Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Friday, 18 July 2008

splish comes a huge wave

Written on Wednesday 2 July 2008 at Inchanga Ranch, Johannesburg South Africa during the Bridge 2008 (the AIESEC in South Africa National Leadership Development Seminar)

Recently, about a month ago, I applied for an internship through my university. The internship is to be carried out abroad (outside South Africa). Therefore, the interviewing panel had the task of selecting students who were not only academically capable to handle the work to be done, but also good representatives of the university and if South Africa, in general. I am NOT South Africa and was, as far as I knew, the only non-resident who applied for the internship. I, thus, had fewer bargaining chips than my fellow applicants. When I was called in, I told the panel that part of my motivation for the internship was based on a personal desire to be the part of the next great wave of positive change to hit Africa. I insisted that I was looking for an opportunity to learn, develop and build up the skills that I would need in order to realise dream for my home and Africa, in general. The Panel laughed at me and, without saying it out loud, showed that my thinking was to idealistic, naïve, childish and unrealistic to survive. I have not yet received the results from the interview. However, from my point of view, it seems like they do not expect me or people like me to last long enough to make the difference we speak of. Since that interview, I have been challenged by 3 movements. I thought I knew what I was talking about when I spoke of change and revival, globally and regionally, but I have been pleasantly surprised and must admit that I know nothing.

The first movement is the church. I have been a christian for years (since May 2002). I am ashamed to say that my influence as a christian has seldom, if ever, been felt. I speak, write and dream a lot but do little. Another one of my faults is that I understand theories, logic, plans and procedures but passion has evaded me. I attended a conference in May 2008, organised by my local church for the family in Southern Africa. I was brought to tears when I saw the passion, desire, love that so many people show and act upon each day. I prayed for passion, knowing that what God gave them daily would be more than sufficient for me yearly. I felt dead amongst my brethren. We can all speak of change and influence but I was blessed to see people, fellow christians, who lived it everyday. They recognised Christ as the source of their salvation from death and had chosen to give this life to others. I learnt ‘life is not about me but around me!’

The week after the conference, the attacks on foreigners in SA broke out. I was, once again, humbled by these same people’s compassion and was challenged to allow compassion to move me to action.

The second movement is the South African Women in Engineering (SAWomEng). It is an organisation that targets female engineers-in-training in South African universities and provides them with an opportunity to interact with the representatives from government, corporate, industrial and academic sectors. The desired result is to have female engineering students who, whilst in university, make the right choices, in terms of skills’ development, in order to produce graduates who are better prepared for the work environment. The first thing that shocked me about the leaders of SAWomEng is that ALL of them are full-time engineering or built environment students at the University of Cape Town with time tables very similar to mine! Their aim seemed a bit ambitious for a group of young varsity students but they managed to meet and, I believe, exceed their target. This group of young individuals managed to capture the attention of a number of industries and organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce in Cape Town, Unilever, Volks Wagen, SASOL, SIEMENS, PetroSA and BHP Billiton. They succeeded in translating into word and action the passion that drives them and, in the process, recruited others to share their vision. Each day, hour, minute and second that I spent at their 2nd annual National conference challenged me to (as Rafiki said in Lion King 1½) ‘look beyond what you see!’ My small, selfish, closed mind was embarrassed to admit that I am very ignorant and very shallow. I am very far away from the great wave that I hope to achieve. I was challenged to start now, as opposed to waiting for the right moment and the perfect conditions. I was reminded that my status as a foreigner, woman and engineer-in-training is a very privileged one. I have the potential to reach, motivate and change people’s lives. My age and current academic level allow my point of view to appear relevant to the students and youth while my training and chosen career path makes my voice relevant to the corporate world. I can be a voice for the youth, women who need motivation to be changed and trained. I am also receiving training to make an impact in my field (career); therefore, I need to interact with those who are more knowledgeable than I am. I am a teacher and a student. My wave should start now!

The third movement is an organisation that I thought I knew and understood very well: AIESEC. Last night, I realised that I know very little of the organisation, its nature, work and potential. Furthermore, AIESEC is run by its members. It is not an abstract (‘out-there’) idea. I am AIESEC, therefore, if I have not realised AIESEC’s potential, I have not realised my potential. AIESEC simply provides a way for me to tap into this potential. This is where my wave starts! Yesterday, I was reminded of AIESEC’s history in South Africa. It showed me that have been too comfortable for too long. I have always counted on others to pave the way for me because of timidity, laziness and pride. AIESEC is about changing people, about making waves and about beginnings. It should never be about ends because every end could be viewed as a beginning. I was reminded that I need to focus and pour my energy into others just as much as I need to be energised by others. I need to change if I want to change society. In order to do this I need to tap into who I am.

I am Ugandan, young, an engineer-in-training, an AIESECer, a female, and a follower of Christ. I have a number of reasons to be proud of who I am. These same attributes should motivate my desire to make a difference for my nation, my continent, my race, my gender, my faith, my family and myself.

I started this year on a low note, scared of the challenges I had to face. I was afraid of the responsibilities that I had/have to my church, my family, friends and myself. I was afraid of the things that I knew I needed to change. I prayed for four things: King David’s passion, King Solomon’s wisdom, Samson’s strength and Apostle Paul’s (or Peter’s) boldness. I prayed for courage because I was afraid. In response, God gave me a challenge. He has opened my heart to what needs to be changed and opened my eyes to what can be done. I realise that I cannot sit and hope for someone else to change while I wait for the perfect time for my wave. It needs to start now and it should never end.

Now, I am praying that I will rise to the challenge that I face…

I am the change that Africa needs…
I am the light…